Welcome to my super cool webpage :D

About Me

fooolin' around with compters B)


kevin james baby

Projects (fr)

sales manager

AI gf for rural india

airbnb but for coffee

discord bot

writing related

Script Kidding & Automation

FOSS/Libre Software/Fuck big tech


js (node, mostly), lua, bash, emacs lisp,
git, nginx, aws, CI/CD (gh actions and Travis),
chat fkn GPT, user research and bringing good vibes

look, i have learnt 80% of what i know today
thanks to my unending curiosity and chatGPT, so
while my knowledge of the things mentioned above might be limited,
my confidence in my ability to get started and Figure It Out(TM) is pretty high :))

if you reached here, just email me bro

let's be freinds!! i'll share the worst hacker news posts of the week with you :D

k bye